Beta 5 - Feature Update

Published on: Jul 15, 2016

Introducing: Delight VR Cinema

Checkout all changes below:

Virtual Cinema

The Delight VR family of elements just grew larger with the introduction of the Virtual Cinema element. The Virtual Cinema element let’s you create amazing showroom experiences to display 2D and 3D stereoscopic video within a customizable room in VR. Start building a virtual showroom for your products or a virtual cinema experience for showing your 2D and 3D movie content right now!

Explore the Cinema Element

Inline error reporting

Delight VR now reports errors regarding declaration of your Delight VR Suite tags early and inline such that you and your customers will not be subject to any surprises when clicking on Delight VR powered content. This feature will be in effect for all elements in the Delight VR Suite starting today.